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#1 V-kont



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Posted 08 June 2009 - 23:32

Офсайт (там же онлайн можно посмотреть трейлер)

Скажите, говорит ли вам о чем-либо имя Мэттью Санторо? Нет? Ну ничего, сейчас напомню. Этот человек занимался созданием спецэффектов для таких фильмов как сиквелы "Фантастической Четверки" и "ЧпХ". И вот теперь он создает собственный фильм, именуемый "Оффлайном".

Теперь краткие сведения о фильме: жанр - ужасы в стиле "киберпанк", бюджет - маленький (создателю спецэффектов никто не выделил больших денег на режиссерский дебют). Первоначально это задумывалось как короткометражка (а трейлер, соответственно, был его промкой), но по ходу работы Санторо решил снять полнометражный фильм, а промку переименовал в трейлер.

Вот цитата его письма Слэшфильму:

Originally it was a short film idea or more like a 15-minute sequence within what I thought was an unobtainable feature project. So I started out small but with this bigger world only hinted at. But I still wanted it to have a big budget feel with well lets just say… no budget. So I really had to get my hands dirty in every aspect of production from the costumes and props to the visual effects and music. As I became immersed in the project, working on it like a madman, it started evolving more and more until the walls of the short version were busted down. I started showing the footage to people and getting really great responses and suddenly the unobtainable feature started to become something that could actually happen. So I started filming different sequences from the larger story to put together this Pitch Trailer to hopefully garner some excitement and get people interesting in further developing the project for the big screen.

The Trailer for Matthew Santoro’s Sci-Fi Horror Film OFFLINE

А что касается сюжета, то он рассказывает историю борьбы ученого и кибернетически улучшенного солдата. Ученый проникает в его мозг, чтобы перепрограммировать его и таким образом, вернуть ему человечность.

Вот еще одна цитата от создателя:

My goal was to make a dark and gritty sci-fi/horror based cybernetic dream experience type thing with a couple of good friends, a camera, some duct tape, and a computer. Pure Gorilla as they call it. [Tool guitarist] Adam Jones was a huge influence during this creative process. I look at him like a master Jedi and director/creator of all things awesome, his work pretty much speaks for itself. I remember as a kid watching the TOOL videos that Adam directed and being completely enthralled almost mesmerized like a moth to a flame. I’ve never seen anything like this before but I know one thing… I like it. His work opened my mind to another plane that I didn’t even know existed. Later in life we became friends and when I told him I wanted to direct my own film he gave me an important piece of advise that I’ve kept with me everyday of production. He basically said to look at every shot like a piece of art. If your going to put your name on something make sure its something YOU are happy with (emphasis on YOU) because if you truly consider it to be a piece of art then in a way it is a reflection of yourself.

Ну и копирну синопсис с офсайта:

*The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating.* In this future, the world is dying a slow and ugly death. In an effort to cope or perhaps out of pure denial, humanity has become increasingly obsessed with mass media. The Internet has evolved into an all-consuming visceral experience where every one’s perception of the world around them is fully customized. The brown smog in the sky can be easily ignored when a beautiful sunset is projected through your optic nerve, courtesy of the Naneuron Corporation. But like all systems there are glitches. Someone or something is disrupting the feed; a Ghost in the machine. A group of extremists have risen up, led by young man named Maro. Defiant and charismatic, he has seemingly endless promise until he unexpectedly surrenders. All enemies of the state are processed for reprogramming. Those like Maro who are physically and mentally gifted enough are transformed into counter-terrorism soldiers. His memories are erased. His body is enhanced. His humanity is destroyed. Maro has become the perfect weapon. Until he begins communicating with the glitches, hearing whispers that lead him on a journey through the depths of his own subconscious. Trapped in the midst of a hellish nightmare, he must find a way to regain his identity and take down the system once and for all. But at what price comes freedom? WHEN A MAN?S MIND BECOMES ONE WITH A MACHINE? WHAT HAPPENS TO HIS SOUL?

Ну вот, собственно, это все, что есть на данный момент. А теперь смотрим трейлер, ибо он стоит этого.

"Русского нам не легче понять, чем китайца или японца, а повидав их, у меня и не осталось особого желания понять их, кроме как выяснить сколько свинца или железа потребуется для их уничтожения."(с) Джордж Паттон

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