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Обитель зла 4: Жизнь после смерти / Resident Evil: Afterlife

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Poll: Обитель зла 4: Жизнь после смерти / Resident Evil: Afterlife (144 member(s) have cast votes)

Оценка фильма

  1. Кино (58 votes [40.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 40.00%

  2. Стерильно (38 votes [26.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 26.21%

  3. Говно (49 votes [33.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.79%

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#1 V-kont



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Posted 06 July 2009 - 15:13

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Обитель зла 4: Жизнь после смерти
Resident Evil: Afterlife

Режиссер: Пол Андерсен
В ролях: Милла Йовович, Вентворт Миллер, Али Лартер, Ким Коутс, Шоун Робертс, Борис Коджо, Кейси Барнфилд, Норман Енг

Продолжение грандиозной эпопеи о том, как Земля стремительно превращается в зомбилэнд.
Несокрушимая и крайне устойчивая к вирусам и апокалипсисам Эллис отчаянно разыскивает тех, кому удалось уцелеть после нашествия смертоносных клонов. Ее миссия – переправить выживших людей в безопасное место. Но вскоре она понимает, что такого места уже не существует.

Судя по тому, что в качестве мест съемок указан Токио, то сюжет скорее всего будет прямым продолжением третьей части. Но там еще указана и Аляска, поэтому я думаю, что в фильме сделают отсылку к "Код "Вероника".
"Русского нам не легче понять, чем китайца или японца, а повидав их, у меня и не осталось особого желания понять их, кроме как выяснить сколько свинца или железа потребуется для их уничтожения."(с) Джордж Паттон

#2 KGF_Bot



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 15:22

Новость от 23 июля:

Пол Андерсон вернется в режиссерское кресло Resident Evil: Afterlife

Следующую серию фильма "Обитель зла" снимет Пол Андерсон; он также выступит продюсером и сценаристом будущей ленты. Об этом режиссер заявил лично в беседе с журналистами портала ShockTillYouDrop на выставке Comic-Con.

По словам Андерсона, Resident Evil: Afterlife не является "обычной" четвертой частью в прямом смысле этих слов, и станет началом новой трилогии - попыткой переосмыслить и перезапустить франчайз в новом направлении. Он также отметил, что бюджет Afterlife будет больше, нежели у трех предыдущих фильмов, а при съемках авторы намерены использовать кинокамеры, аналогичные тем, которые применяет Джеймс Кэмерон при создании своего "Аватара" (Avatar), что позволит выпустить ленту в 3D.

Главную роль в Resident: Evil: Afterlife, как мы и сообщали ранее, исполнит Милла Йовович. Премьера фильма должна состояться в сентябре 2010 года.

Напомним, что предыдущие серии "Обители зла" вышли в 2002, 2004 и 2007 годах, собрав в мировом прокате свыше $380 млн. Сценарии всех трех картин написал Пол Андерсон, однако самостоятельно он срежиссировал лишь первую часть.

#3 proglot



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Posted 05 November 2009 - 22:58

ПЕРВЫЕ ФОТО со съемочной площадки! Папарацци, да пребудет с вами СИЛА! :D

#4 proglot



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Posted 25 November 2009 - 03:19

Если вы регулярно почитывали вышестоящую ссылку, то наверняка узнали много всего о "творческой кухне", экшн-сценах с Вескером, об армии клонов, о бое подушками между Венвортом Миллером и Борисом Куджо, о Джилл Валентайн, которая "may be back" и многое другое. А пока вот видюхи от Милы со съемочной площадки

Edited by proglot, 26 November 2009 - 02:31.

#5 proglot



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Posted 27 November 2009 - 02:14

Че то мне Миллер в роли Криса Рэдфилда вообще никак... Ну по крайней мере по промо-фоткам.

А теперь? А вот и Крис

Притомился парень)

#6 proglot



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Posted 02 April 2010 - 23:22

High-res images или самые ОГРОМНЫЕ фото в интернете! Налетай, народ :)
Опубликованное фото Опубликованное фотоОпубликованное фотоОпубликованное фотоОпубликованное фото

источник www.millaj.com

Edited by proglot, 02 April 2010 - 23:26.

#7 proglot



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Posted 03 April 2010 - 21:25

вот в более смотрибельном качнстве. Ждем HD на главной странице сайта!!!

Edited by proglot, 03 April 2010 - 21:25.

#8 MemphisRains



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Posted 03 April 2010 - 22:31

proglot РЕСПЕКТ


Тут может по лучше качество?

Edited by MemphisRains, 03 April 2010 - 22:49.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#9 MemphisRains



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 01:47


Трейлер в 720р хотя написано что в 1080р Внимание! Формат мр4

Кристобаль Хунта Если брать 1ю часть вполне и так смотрелся в 2002 да еще при таком бюджетике...
Да и сейчас нормально...Музыка там кстати классная была. И знаменитая ловушка-лазер. Смотрелось на ура.

Edited by MemphisRains, 05 April 2010 - 01:58.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#10 proglot



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 22:53

Интервью Wondercon 2010.
Мила, Пол и Али расскажут об особенностях съемочного процесса в 3D и персонажах.
Script of the interview at the trailer premiere Довольно занимательно. Почитайте.
[color= #9d6e2c;]Спойлер. Нажмите для прочтения[/color]

Q&A with Paul W.S. Anderson, Milla Jovovich and Ali Larter at ‘Resident Evil: Afterlife’ trailer premiere
The 2010 edition of WonderCon stormed San Francisco Friday, and one of the main events was the premiere screening of the new trailer for Paul W.S. Anderson’s new film Resident Evil: Afterlife, which will hit theaters in RealD 3D Sept. 10, 2010. Anderson, Ali Larter and Milla Jovovich stopped by the AMC Metreon to introduce the preview and answer some questions, and here is what they had to say. The trailer, by the way, will be online very soon.

Question: When did you know this was going to be a 3D film?

Paul W.S. Anderson: Almost a year ago, today actually, James Cameron was very kind enough to screen a large chunk of Avatar for us, and it was still a work in progress, but two things were very clear at that time. One is, Avatar was obviously going to be an awesome movie, and the other was that the camera system Cameron and Vincent Pace built to shoot that movie was absolutely remarkable. It was providing 3D imagery that was so much more sophisticated and of a higher quality that anything I’ve ever seen before in the world of 3D. Really at that point I decided our movie had to be in 3D, and we had to use that camera system to shoot it.

Question: When you made that decision, did you have to go back and say we shoot it completely different if we want to take advantage of the 3D effect?

Paul W.S. Anderson: I had to go back to the studio and ask them for more money, because obviously, especially if you shoot a 3D movie, it’s a lot more expensive. The camera system is more expensive, it’s slower when you shoot; it’s a more painstaking process shooting a 3D movie, so I had a big fight with them and they gave me more money. Obviously not as much as I wanted, but they gave me the extra money to shoot in 3D.

Question: Milla, why do you keep taking this role?

Milla Jovovich: Resident Evil, man. It’s my brother’s favorite video game. Please, and besides the fact that at this point, it’s like, you just have this world you live in. And you know, what is more appropriate than those movies? I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life doing them, so why not. It’s so fun and I get to kick butt. Look, the fact is, what I’ve always said is it’s amazing to do like, really serious movies, but what’s amazing about Resident Evil is that you get a chance to do a really great fun story. It’s like going to Disneyland. You get to make a movie where you’re flying and kicking butt and you’re training and doing so much stuff you would never do in real life, and I love that… just living in this sort of different world.

Question: Ali, clearly there’s a lot of camaraderie here [between you and Milla]?

Ali Larter: Oh, we have so much fun, I mean, it was one of the greatest things. I was so excited to come back and, you know, to see Milla. I mean, she brings so much to these movies and they’re a collaboration. I was there every day watching them. She brings so much style and so much class to them and so much fun to watch, and she kicks ass like no other. And it’s fine. because girls aren’t always cool, you know, and I come in there, and we just have a lot of fun together, and I hope you see that on the screen. We’re laughing and we both love figuring out our stunts and really getting dirty in there.

Question: What made this series so successful?

Paul W.S. Anderson: I think Milla touched on it. It’s hot girls with big guns. What’s not to like about that? You know, the movie is made by fans of the video game to start with. We’re all very passionate about the source material, and the movies are made with a lot of passion and energy, and also it’s financed by a studio that’s very behind the franchise. For this movie, they said yes, go make it in 3D, and I said, I want this movie to be more epic than the other Resident Evil movies, so they said yes, go trek around the world to shoot it. It’s the fourth film in a franchise and at a point where a lot of other studios would try to kind of cheap out and do it a little cheaper, Sony spent more money than ever before on the film. They allowed me to go and shoot in Tokyo, in Los Angeles. We shot in Canada and we even shot in the snow and ice in Alaska. They allowed me to make a globetrotting movie, and having that kind of support is very very important to a franchise like this.

Milla Jovovich: It is true. From the first film, when it was me and Michelle, I mean, it started out and all the actors just love the game. It’s really one of those things where you come from a fan kind of place where you’re like, aw Resident Evil, awesome, I want to do this, I love that game so much, and, you know, I think that passion really shows on screen, I guess. You guys know it better than we do, but it’s No. 4, so, something worked. We’re so lucky to Ali back on this one.

Ali Larter: Also, this one is almost closest to the video game. You brought in so many cool direct shots and different things. I mean, real fans of Resident Evil are going to be so excited when they see this movie.

Question: Really quick, talk about all the conversions to 3D that are going on right now, and people rushing to films that have not necessarily been shot in 3D, but films that have been converted to 3D.

Paul W.S. Anderson: There’s no doubt if you look at movies that converted and you look at movies that are actually originated in 3D, the quality is a lot better of a movie that’s actually shot in 3D.


ВСЕ ВЫРЕЗАННЫЕ СЦЕНЫ ИЗ EXTINCTION! Такого вы еще не видели! 8 минут!

Edited by proglot, 05 April 2010 - 23:36.

#11 MemphisRains



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 23:58

Новости и интервью
"I told you I'd be bringing a few friends," Jovovich says to Wesker (standing off camera). She suddenly dodges an imaginary object (some lethal) and runs into action.

Wondercon 2010 San Francisco, Resident Evil Afterlife Panel, Milla Jovovich Ali Larter

♦The new film, shot in high-def 3-D with the same cameras used in Avatar, will be heavily influenced by the Resident Evil 5 video game, with Wesker as the main villain and brother-sister team Claire and Chris Redfield (Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller) joining Alice (Milla Jovovich).

♦Forget the crappy 3-D back conversion of Clash of the Titans; this film was conceived from the ground up as a 3-D feature, and it looks fabulous.

♦The new movie will feature new costumes, new locations and new music and will be more global in scope, with a story that ranges from Alaska to Japan to Los Angeles and onto a massive Umbrella Corp. ship.

♦There will be familiar creatures from the games, as well as some new ones, including underwater zombies, burrowing zombies and split-headed zombie dogs.

Интервью...рассказ о особенностях фильма...спойлеры


On changes to the Alice character.

"Yeah a little bit, but I think the interesting thing about this movie is, which is one of the arguments I had with Paul, she loses her powers in this movie. It’s actually a really great thing because in some sense it makes her human again which is what she always wanted. It also gives her a sense of relief to just be a badass again and not have to be a superhero and I think that shows throughout the rest of the movie a joy of just being herself again."

To read the whole interview follow the link on top!

So I do this amazing needle dive with two clones shooting at me. . .

Now in the trailer there is an "Alice" is standing there and her eyes "glitch". Maybe the ones with the swords and ponytails are the clones and they can still be controlled by Umbrella/Wesker. Maybe the way they are going to get rid of the clones is by having Wesker cause them to all kill each other.

Trixcee, did you not notice the last portion of what Milla said?

"It also gives her a sense of relief to just be a badass again and not have to be a superhero and I think that shows throughout the rest of the movie a joy of just being herself again."

Why would she see Alice is relieved to not be a freak during the rest of the movie is she was going to get her powered back anyway?

And remember, Wesker is a badass but Chris and Sheva beat him. Claire is better than Sheva so Chris, Claire, and Alice all fighting Wesker seems like the odds are in the heroes favors.

И добью

Edited by MemphisRains, 05 April 2010 - 23:58.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#12 MemphisRains



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Posted 06 April 2010 - 00:56

Про спецэффекты есть спойлер, но там предупреждают о нем
А это фан-арт
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Опубликованное фото

Edited by MemphisRains, 06 April 2010 - 01:14.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#13 MemphisRains



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Posted 12 April 2010 - 14:31


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#14 MemphisRains



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 01:24


Ред банд тизер есть новые моменты

Edited by MemphisRains, 13 April 2010 - 02:26.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#15 POTC



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 01:40


Ред банд тизер есть новые моменты

Edited by POTC, 13 April 2010 - 01:49.

#16 MemphisRains



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 01:59

Интервью с Миллой http://www.shocktily...ws.php?id=14832
Ну и еще немного интересного

Edited by MemphisRains, 13 April 2010 - 02:11.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#17 MemphisRains



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 16:25

Fan Staff

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

#18 (Гость) кукумбер *

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Posted 19 April 2010 - 20:34

Дублированный тизер:

#19 proglot



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Posted 23 April 2010 - 13:55

#20 proglot



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Posted 24 May 2010 - 23:24

Новые фотографии! Огромные новые фотографии!
Опубликованное фотоОпубликованное фотоОпубликованное фото

Edited by proglot, 24 May 2010 - 23:35.

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