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#944638 Кошмар на улице Вязов (1984) / A Nightmare on Elm Street

Автор: MemphisRains28 Январь 2012 - 02:58

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Кошмар на улице Вязов
A Nightmare on Elm Street

Режиссер: Уэс Крейвен
В ролях:Джон Сэксон, Роберт Инглунд, Хизер Ландженкамп ,Джонни Депп

Тине Грей (Аманда Уисс) всё время снится один и тот же кошмарный сон, в котором человек (Роберт Инглунд) с обожжённым лицом, в грязном полосатом свитере, с перчаткой на правой руке с лезвиями вместо пальцев, пытается её убить. Она рассказывает об этом своей подруге Нэнси (Хитер Лэнгенкамп), и выясняется, что девушку преследует тот же кошмарный сон.

One, Two… Freddy’s coming for you!
Three, Four… Better lock your door!
Five, Six… Grab your crucifix!
Seven, Eight… Gonna stay up late!
Nine, Ten… Never sleep again!…


Незабываемое зрелище, одна из главных икон жанра, козырем которой является шикарная идея маньяка, проникающего в сноведения жертв. Фредди не похож на своих коллег по цеху, в отличие от молчаливых машин для убийств, Крюгер предстает более изобретательным, и полным черного юмора, коллекционером жизней.  Его клиенты не могут убежать, или скрыться, ведь царство Морфея настигает каждого. Классика кинематографа.



#933124 Хижина в лесу / The Cabin in the Woods

Автор: MemphisRains06 Декабрь 2011 - 02:35

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Хижина в лесу
The Cabin in the Woods

Режиссер: Дрю Годдард
В ролях: Ричард Дженкинс, Бредли Уитфорд, Фран Кранц, Эми Экер, Кристен Коннолли, Крис Хэмсворд, Анна Хэтчинсон, Джесси Уилльямс
Сценарий: Джосс Уидон, Дрю Годдард

Группа друзей из колледжа проводят выходные в таинственной хижине в лесу...

Ролик понравился, Джосс радует, Годдард тоже) Актерский состав хорош, будем посмотреть))

Питер Трэверс 3.5 из 4
Don't get me wrong. The Cabin in the Woods is far from a "say no to gore" sermon. It's fiendishly funny. Can you laugh and shriek at the same time? Yeah, baby. Scream proved that back in 1996. But Cabin goes deeper than a self-reflexive game of name-checking gorefests from Evil Dead to Halloween.

Cabin was made in 2009 but got stuck in studio limbo when MGM declared bankruptcy. Now Lionsgate has let the beast out. Punishment is its own reward, especially at the box office. But Whedon and Goddard are hunting bigger game. By turning splatter formula on its empty head, Cabin shows you can unleash a fire-breathing horror film without leaving your brain or your heart on the killing floor.

Роджер Эберт 3 из 4
Horror fans are a particular breed. They analyze films with such detail and expertise that I am reminded of the Canadian literary critic Northrup Frye, who approached literature with similar archetypal analysis. "The Cabin in the Woods" has been constructed almost as a puzzle for horror fans to solve. Which conventions are being toyed with? Which authors and films are being referred to? Is the film itself an act of criticism?

With most genre films, we ask, "Does it work?" In other words, does this horror film scare us? "The Cabin in the Woods" does have some genuine scares, but they're not really the point. This is like a final exam for fanboys.


#923964 Прометей / Prometheus

Автор: MemphisRains22 Октябрь 2011 - 22:53

Ridley Scott's Prophets of Science Fiction

Sir Ridley Scott made a small appearance at the New York Comic Con this weekend, although in the form of a short video message presenting his latest project: 'Prophets of Science Fiction'.

In the video he apologises to the fans in New York for not being present as he is "... working at this time on a film in the editing room". The film in question of course being Prometheus, which is now in post-production (I believe at Shepperton Studios...).

Prophets of Science Fiction is produced and narrated by Ridley Scott, and explores the works and ideas of Mary Shelley, Philip K. Dick, George Lucas, Isaac Asimov, and Jules Verne.

Ridley Scott mentions in his presentation that the project is very close to him because it investigates the crossover where science fiction becomes science fact.
The first episode takes a look at Mary Shelley, author of 'Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus', who promotes the idea of man creating life in a laboratory, a subject possibly closely connected to Sir Ridley's 'Prometheus'.

Prophets of Science Fiction premieres on November 10th on Science in the US.

Ben Foster never boarded the Prometheus

Back in July, movie news site JoBlo first reported that Ben Foster had joined the Prometheus cast. This news quickly spread across the internet, and it seems a lot of people still believe this is true despite the lack of an official statement.

The other day I received an anonymous e-mail stating that Ben Foster is in no way attached to Prometheus, so I got in touch with Mr. Foster's manager to clarify the situation.
His reply was clear and simple:

"I don't know how that rumor started... He's never been involved with Prometheus."

One question remains, is the Prometheus list of cast members complete now?
We know filming has wrapped, but with all the secrecy who knows if they have any other actors we don't know about yet.

It seems people won't believe me on this story so easily, which is fair enough considering the amount of secrecy there has been around this project, which in turn has led to a lot of false rumors and speculation.
So I thought I'd try and back this story further by adding a couple of things.

A few readers have mentioned that Ben Foster's name still appears on the official Prometheus page on Facebook.

Please bear in mind that the "official" Prometheus Facebook page is not even edited by Fox themselves. The responsibility for their Facebook and Twitter pages is outsourced to a third party company called Substance Movies.

Fox provides them with promotional material as and when it becomes available, and in the mean time they're pretty much to themselves with "tweeting" and updating their page to keep fans coming.
I wouldn't be surprised if Fox hasn't provided them with a proper cast list, so in the mean time they've had to gather information from fan sites and other places around the internet.

I've tried to get in touch with them to clarify why his name is on their list, but no answer yet. I'll keep you all updated.

In the mean time, I stand by the fact that I did email Ben Foster's agent and the quote further up was his reply.

MTV Spoils Michael Fassbender's 'Prometheus' Role in Headline

Some of us enjoy spoilers, others (like me) wish I could avoid them all together. This morning MTV posted a major character spoiler in their effin' headline for Ridley Scott's now-filming Prometheus, the Alien prequel starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, Guy Pearce, Kate Dickie, Rafe Spall, Logan Marshall-Green, Benedict Wong, Emun Elliott, Ben Foster and Patrick Wilson (weeeeeewwwwwww).

What was the spoiler you ask? If you don't want to know, look away now. The site confirmed in an interview with Michael Fassbender that he'll be starring as an android in the vein of Ash (Ian Holm) in Alien and Bishop (Lance Henriksen) in Aliens. No other interesting bits were talked about, but this is a pretty major role that taps into some of the best themes in the franchise.

Damon Lindelof penned the screenplay in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

#909042 Нечто / The Thing

Автор: MemphisRains14 Август 2011 - 02:09

Кино охуительное! И те гандоны хотели дать малину за музыку? Пиздец просто. Да она пол фильма делает. Актеры мне понравились, играли хорошо. Сюжет подан на пятерочку, все очень атмосферно, загадочно и интересно. Пецифекты хорошие. Классика в общем.

#903473 Прометей / Prometheus

Автор: MemphisRains22 Июль 2011 - 20:03

Отжимания голышом и еще 7 других откровений о Прометее(переводить лень) There’s a reason you don’t know much about Prometheus, the Ridley Scott sci-fi project that was originally conceived as a prequel to Alien: the director doesn’t want you assuming anything about the movie before sitting down in theaters next June. Even so, Fox began promoting the 2012 blockbuster at yesterday’s Comic-Con with a press conference and panel featuring Scott, screenwriter Damon Lindelof and stars Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace . (Both Scott and Rapace appeared via satellite) So, just how do you promote a movie without giving away even the most minor plot details? Very, very carefully. Even so, Movieline managed to gather nine new bits of information about Prometheus, the most secretive project since Super 8.

#903432 Прометей / Prometheus

Автор: MemphisRains22 Июль 2011 - 15:28

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#898245 Клерки 2 / Clerks II

Автор: MemphisRains29 Июнь 2011 - 17:07

Отсмотрены обе части подряд за раз. Это было охуенно!! Диалоги, мысли, актеры-все круто! Розарио очень понравилась во второй части. А Джей и молчаливый Боб-это нечто, особенно отсылка к Ягнятам.

#884706 Сорвиголова / Daredevil

Автор: MemphisRains04 Май 2011 - 15:04

Раньше нравился, давно не смотрел. По воспоминаниям хороший фильм.

#884254 Молотильня / Grind House

Автор: MemphisRains03 Май 2011 - 03:58

Великолепная картина в стиле грейндхайсных трешачков 70-80х годов)) Тарантино использовал почти все приемы, чтобы показать какими были фильмы в этих дешевых кинотеатрах. Тут тебе и якобы вырезанные материалы фильма и некачественная пленка...пропадание звука или переключение на ч\б цвет, куча намеренных киноляпов и и много другого...Простой сюжет украшен интересными деталями и диалогами в стиле Квентина. А финальная погоня просто шикарна, учитывая еще и то, что актриса настоящая каскадерша)) Охуительное кино
